- 產地︰日本
- 容量︰700ML
- 酒精含量︰43%
- 國際葡萄酒及烈酒大賽 2003,2010 - 金獎
- 舊金山世界烈酒競賽 2009,2013 - 雙金獎
- 國際葡萄酒及烈酒大賽 2011 - 最佳金獎
山崎蒸餾所是日本第一家正式營運的威士忌蒸餾廠,於 1923 年由 Suntory 集團創辦人鳥井信治郎建立,多年來致力貫徹酒廠宗旨—「以優質威士忌彰顯日本的個性以及人民對工藝的極緻追求」。富層次感的 山崎 12 年同樣以水果味道作為骨幹,聞香帶有桃香、菠蘿、西柚等,亦有一絲丁香作為點綴,入口則以椰子、紅莓、牛油為主,悠長的收結帶有甜味、薑味及一抹肉桂香。
您必須確認您已年滿18歲方能購買此產品。 送貨到指定地點須有18歲或以上的人在場接收,否則會取消送貨安排,須另外約時間交付。
By placing an order, you must confirm that you are 18 years old or above. A person aged 18 or above must be present to take delivery, otherwise delivery shall be withdrawn and attempt at another agreed time.
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
您必須確認您已年滿18歲方能購買此產品。 送貨到指定地點須有18歲或以上的人在場接收,否則會取消送貨安排,須另外約時間交付。
By placing an order, you must confirm that you are 18 years old or above. A person aged 18 or above must be present to take delivery, otherwise delivery shall be withdrawn and attempt at another agreed time.
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.