[產品名稱] 白鶴梅酒原酒 720ml
[產地] 福岡県福岡市
[酒廠] 白鶴酒造
[酒精度] 19.5%
[飲溫] 冷飲(5-10度)最佳, 或加入適量冰塊略微稀釋後飲用,加入蘇打水增清爽感
國際食品品質大會(Monde Selection) 金獎 2001,2008~2016
利口酒金賞大賞 2008~2015
Hakutsuru Umeshu(Umeshu Gensyu)
Using selected Japanese Plum, "Ume", Hakutsuru Plum Wine has been brewed with highly developed fermentation skills and technique. It is characterized by its refreshing semi-sweet, sour taste and well-matured aroma from plum fruit.
The Hakutsuru Sake Brewing Company was founded in 1743, in the middle of Japan's Edo period. Records show that the company started with a single brewhouse and had a total production volume of 32 kiloliters. The name "Hakutsuru" has a long tradition, first coming into use in 1747, four years after the company's founding.
Place Of Origin : Fukuoka, Japan
Volume : 720ml
Alcohol Degree : 19.5%vol.
The Name Of The Brewery : Hakutsuru Brewing company