- 此瓶是以適合直接食用的北海道產Niagara(水晶葡萄)釀成的白酒。本身已有濃郁花香及葡萄香,酒體非常甘甜,清新易入口,每一口充滿香香的葡萄果味。
- 製造者:余市ワイン
- [產地] 日本北海道
- [酒廠] Yoichi Winery
- [酒精度] 12%
- [容量] 720mL
- [分類] Wine
- [適飲溫度] 8 - 10 ℃
- Yoichi Winery始於1974年,
- 是北海道唯一一家用本地葡萄釀製葡萄酒的酒莊。
- Niagara是一款食用葡萄品種,
- 其賣點為有著高甜度及平衡的酸度,
- 而此酒品正是以此釀製,
- 因此其有著香甜的葡萄氣息,
- 同時又有著適當的酸度平衡,以致整體甜而不膩,
- 相當適合女性或初嘗葡萄酒人士。
您必須確認您已年滿18歲方能購買此產品。 送貨到指定地點須有18歲或以上的人在場接收,否則會取消送貨安排,須另外約時間交付。
By placing an order, you must confirm that you are 18 years old or above. A person aged 18 or above must be present to take delivery, otherwise delivery shall be withdrawn and attempt at another agreed time.
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
您必須確認您已年滿18歲方能購買此產品。 送貨到指定地點須有18歲或以上的人在場接收,否則會取消送貨安排,須另外約時間交付。
By placing an order, you must confirm that you are 18 years old or above. A person aged 18 or above must be present to take delivery, otherwise delivery shall be withdrawn and attempt at another agreed time.
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.